The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for November 09, 2012

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    Bargrove  over 12 years ago

    I was about to make bean soup today. Now I think I’ll change the recipe. It will be easier.

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    gordrogb Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Beans, Beans, the musical fruitThe more you eat, the more you toot,The more you toot, the better your feelLets have beans for every meal!

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    comicnut4636  over 12 years ago

    Then there’s the more “Adult” version:

    Beans, beans good for the heart,The more you eat the more you f**t, The more you f**t the better you feel, So eat beans for every meal.

    Didn’t know if could use the “F” word or not.

    I used work in a hospital cafe and when ever they had bean soup for lunch I’d always say “they’re having ‘open window’ soup today”.

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    jppjr  over 12 years ago

    Three beans…one form of gas….

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    alexmailer  over 12 years ago

    he should have said that he knew it had bean soup but what was it now

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