me neither Jeff
Well I thought it was funny…in a slapstick sort of way.
Leave him alone, Mutt. You are BOTH funny. Especially when Jeff messes up.
LOL xxx
It’s a situation for Harry Richman to sing the big hit of 1928 :Laugh Clown Laugh".
This is the modern version of “Ask and ye shall receive”;“Keep asking for it, and you’re gonna get it.”
Way to go, Jeff. I thought is was hilarious.
leerenovations over 12 years ago
me neither Jeff
Frogman_tg over 12 years ago
Well I thought it was funny…in a slapstick sort of way.
derry1 over 12 years ago
Number Three over 12 years ago
Leave him alone, Mutt. You are BOTH funny. Especially when Jeff messes up.
LOL xxx
quartermain over 12 years ago
It’s a situation for Harry Richman to sing the big hit of 1928 :Laugh Clown Laugh".
Sherlock Watson over 12 years ago
This is the modern version of “Ask and ye shall receive”;“Keep asking for it, and you’re gonna get it.”
alleyoops Premium Member over 12 years ago
Way to go, Jeff. I thought is was hilarious.