Pluggers by Rick McKee for November 19, 2012

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    KCnFla  over 12 years ago

    NO! A Plugger should never leave a dog – or any animal – unattended in a car. Excessive heat, being stolen, the dog accidentally doing something to the car – or in it! There are tons of reasons why this is no laughing matter.Yikes! At first blush it’s a cute idea. But please! We need to be more responsible as pet lovers.

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  2. J p engagement
    CashewJim  over 12 years ago

    Back in the day this was not unusual. But the car was left with the windows down, the dog had plenty of water, and pats from passing plugger friends, and at a hardware store, would have other dog friends in adjacent pickups to talk with.

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    malpot  over 12 years ago

    It looks like the dog’s window is open. He can hop out if he needs to, and he will still be guarding the ‘shop’ by its front tire.

    Nothing wrong with that…other than I think its a Ford.

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    hippogriff  over 12 years ago

    I saw a more effective one than that. An imprinted bobcat was in “associate” seat. The owner warned, “Don’t try to pet it.” I replied, “Don’t worry, nothing can lick its weight in bobcats.”

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  5. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 12 years ago

    A friend move his factory to Missouri. He talked about his workers not showing up the first couple days of hunting season, and that he had to get someone to clean up after all the dogs left in the parking lot during the work day.

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