Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for November 25, 2012

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    ā€™bout right!

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  2. Xzno 128x128
    billcor  over 12 years ago

    turtles donā€™t sit in trees

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    artybee  over 12 years ago

    Jusā€™ ā€˜cause YOUā€™VE never seen oneā€¦.

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    juicebruce  over 12 years ago

    I wonder what a major urban area does look like from space as a before and after?

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  5. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago

    We have the technology.

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    fixer1967  over 12 years ago

    Some one needs welding goggles.

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    vwdualnomand  over 12 years ago

    the bad things about this season is the exhaustive consumerism and the fake goodwill. spend and spend and spend while being nice for 1 month of the year. because little johnny wants the new ipad 4, which would be obsolete next christmas.

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  8. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 12 years ago

    Seriously, the grocery stores are already playing carols. I saw a poor little kid getting excited about Santa Claus ā€“ a month too soon.

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    fofinho  over 12 years ago

    Iā€™d be happy if they waited until the day after Thanksgiving. Iā€™m going to start calling them ā€œThanksgiving decorationsā€.

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  10. Dsc00030
    alviebird  over 12 years ago

    I donā€™t do the Christmas thing. Iā€™d explain why, but I donā€™t care to rain on the parade of others. Letā€™s just say it is because I do believe.

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  11. Bull shirt archie
    underwriter  over 12 years ago

    Sometimes fake good will can be better than none at all.

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  12. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Yes, but not in the middle of July! LOL! But close enough, you get my ā€œdriftā€.

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  13. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    thebird55 said, about 11 hours ago: Letā€™s just say it is because I do believe."

    Iā€™ve seen many or your posts and the things you say and how you word them. I BELIEVE YOU! :-) I guess I also envy you.

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  14. Kopia discworld the bursar
    the burser  over 12 years ago

    I have a neighbor like that

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