Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 08, 2012
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Hollingsworth Hound in "Track & Failed" Poindexter: Mr. Hound, your pollution is causing GLOBAL WARMING! Hound: Global warming?! Why, I'm a SKEPTIC on the whole notion! Poindexter: I've got a climate simulation model here...!! Hound: You like jumping, Poindexter? C'mere... Hound: I built this expensive track just for folks like you. Poindexter: ? Hound: Can you clear this hurdle? ZIP Poindexter: Easy! There's plenty of data! IT'S NOT GETTING WARMER Hound: Even IF it's getting warmer, it'll REVERSE itself. Poindexter: Regression analysis... IT'S SHORT-TERM Hound: and even if it won't, it's NATURAL! Poindexter: PUFF Consensus... IT'S NOT CAUSED BY HUMAN ACTIVITY Hound: And even if it's man-made, we might LIKE it! Poindexter: HUFF PUFF IT MIGHT BE BENEFICIAL Hound: And even if NOT -- we can't control the whole WORLD! Poindexter: OOF TRIP THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT ANYWAY Hound: we might as well assume that... IT'S NOT GETTING WARMER The End PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE OF CONCERNED AMERICANS FOR PROGRESS AND LIBERTY AND TRUTH AND PROGRESS. AND CONCERN. A subsidiary of ExxonMobilNerrexCo.
cnfree69 over 12 years ago
So… circular logic, anyone?
crlinder over 12 years ago
Nicely done. Very much like the work of the Tobacco Institute. The people in charge know the truth, but they do all they can to delay the day of reckoning because there’s money to be made, you know.
ROLtheWolf over 12 years ago
As soon as a group has “Concerned” in their title, I suspect clueless Christianists.
Spyderred over 12 years ago
Great comic on an important topic, Mr. B.
rnmontgomery over 12 years ago
OK, let’s check the facts. In the last 150 ish years the earth has warmed .7 Centigrade. OH MY the sky is falling.Come on, get real, we’re still receeding from the last ice age. This is natural warming/cooling cylces.
Rrhain over 12 years ago
Oh, so when New York is underwater, you won’t mind? You seem to have missed the third hurdle: It’s being driven by human activity.
There was a recent meta-study into all the various papers that have been published regarding climate in the past 10 years.
Not a single one denied the conclusion that global warming is real and is being driven primarily by human activities.
Exactly what is it you would need to know in order for you to consider the possibility that you’re wrong?
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
Anything we puny humans do to try to change it is too little, too late. Might as well enjoy it.