Oh right, Dale and Marlene….guess what you get for Christmas!
A salt and pepper set from Dollar Tree… and a your share of the great, fresh scent at Joy and Burls.Your “gift” portion of the bill was $37, so be sure you get them something nice too.
Hey I know…. why don’t you get your drapes cleaned so they don’t have to look at dirty window treatments.
If there’s any money left, get yourself haircuts, so the Pennys don’t have to see you looking disheveled.
Debbie…. unfortunately, Marg and I have not yet developed our scent-memory bleach…. but we’re working on it.
We don’t know whether it should be a nasal spray or a small plastic inhaler.
Dale’s shirt is unfinished (that’s why he got it on the cheap at the DD).Hope “Stashu Steamer” guy did the upholstery as well; Burl’s chair might be considered a haz-mat site, though..
The fact that the carpet has any sort of detectable odor is disturbing. Wait. There has to be more to this. These dopes aren’t going to clean their carpets without an irresistible reason. Must have been really disgusting. Probably something Jerry did when he was over last.
What’s next for the Pennys? Could they start charging a “facilities usage fee” when people come to visit? Could a beer cost $9? Or a Ho Ho for $25? (Now that they are collectables.) What about a pay toilet?
My better half and I go to Estate Sales every weekend. I would love it if people had their carpet cleaned occasionally. Some of those houses are pretty ripe. . You would think the people running those sales would spray some Febreeze around, but no….If Ma’s house smells like cabbage, I can only imagine what the Penny’s house smells like. A lot of people don’t realize that windows open!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh right, Dale and Marlene….guess what you get for Christmas!
A salt and pepper set from Dollar Tree… and a your share of the great, fresh scent at Joy and Burls.Your “gift” portion of the bill was $37, so be sure you get them something nice too.
Hey I know…. why don’t you get your drapes cleaned so they don’t have to look at dirty window treatments.
If there’s any money left, get yourself haircuts, so the Pennys don’t have to see you looking disheveled.
Debbie…. unfortunately, Marg and I have not yet developed our scent-memory bleach…. but we’re working on it.
We don’t know whether it should be a nasal spray or a small plastic inhaler.
finale almost 12 years ago
Dale’s shirt is unfinished (that’s why he got it on the cheap at the DD).Hope “Stashu Steamer” guy did the upholstery as well; Burl’s chair might be considered a haz-mat site, though..
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
The mere fact that anyone would comment from standing distance means that it must have REALLY needed it!
jmcx4 almost 12 years ago
They must be wealthy. I don’t have a "Holiday Spirit Spending Fund for friends. I don’t buy them anything. I always re-gift last year’s fruit cakes.
InTraining Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Two bits they are all have bare feet…. ! ! ! !
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The fact that the carpet has any sort of detectable odor is disturbing. Wait. There has to be more to this. These dopes aren’t going to clean their carpets without an irresistible reason. Must have been really disgusting. Probably something Jerry did when he was over last.
MissScarlet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Come to think of it, MeGoNow, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen Jerry. Wonder what he’s up to.
mikie2 almost 12 years ago
What’s next for the Pennys? Could they start charging a “facilities usage fee” when people come to visit? Could a beer cost $9? Or a Ho Ho for $25? (Now that they are collectables.) What about a pay toilet?
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 12 years ago
My better half and I go to Estate Sales every weekend. I would love it if people had their carpet cleaned occasionally. Some of those houses are pretty ripe. . You would think the people running those sales would spray some Febreeze around, but no….If Ma’s house smells like cabbage, I can only imagine what the Penny’s house smells like. A lot of people don’t realize that windows open!