Maria's Day by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for November 23, 2012

  1. Pl1
    Masterius  over 12 years ago

    I think it actually went:

    Sgt. O’Rourke: “That’s a great idea. I don’t know why everyone says you’re so dumb.”

    Corporal Agarn:“Thanks Sarge!”…..…..…..

    Corporal Agarn: “Who says I’m dumb?”

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  2. Missing large
    vwdualnomand  over 12 years ago

    the catch all phrase for women…you look pretty.

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  3. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  over 12 years ago

    Where Indian fights are colorful sights and nobody takes a lickin’!

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