The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for November 28, 2012
November 27, 2012
November 29, 2012
Waiter: Today, we are featuring free-range chicken -
Brutus: Great! We'll both have that!
Waiter: But you haven't heard my description of how we're preparing it, yet.
Brutus: Who cares, as long as it's free!
We only hear what we want to hear but businesses intentionally leave things out to try and trick us into hearing what we want to hear so they can bait and hook us in.
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
Their minds have flown the coop too.
gordrogb Premium Member about 12 years ago
It’s the oven that’s free – not the chicken.
Perkycat about 12 years ago
We only hear what we want to hear.
angelfiredragon about 12 years ago
We only hear what we want to hear but businesses intentionally leave things out to try and trick us into hearing what we want to hear so they can bait and hook us in.
parkerfields about 12 years ago
I’ll buy that!
REDROCKER51 about 12 years ago
i promised my wife that i would listen to her, as long as i don’t have to hear her……
goblyn about 12 years ago
My grocery bill just got cheaper!