Man in brown suit: Your new team includes Mel from accounts, Ricky in sales, Diane from marketing and Sweet T on sax.
everyone should have a little sax in the office…
We wouldn’t expect you to perform unaccompanied.
Can he play Saxety Sax?
Looks like they already have policies in place to avoid workplace violins.
I could use some sax time I think I’ll go hit the sax
They just had to have gratuitous sax, didn’t they
It’s an alto. I could sit in on trombone or bass.
November 07, 2013
Downundergirl over 12 years ago
everyone should have a little sax in the office…
Superfrog over 12 years ago
We wouldn’t expect you to perform unaccompanied.
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Can he play Saxety Sax?
HeckleMeElmo over 12 years ago
Looks like they already have policies in place to avoid workplace violins.
danlarios over 12 years ago
I could use some sax time I think I’ll go hit the sax
angusdad over 12 years ago
They just had to have gratuitous sax, didn’t they
hippogriff over 12 years ago
It’s an alto. I could sit in on trombone or bass.