La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for December 04, 2012
December 03, 2012
December 05, 2012
Chepe: "When asked how old we thought the Earth was, GOP Florida Senator Marco Rubio could not answer. They should ask him some serious questions... Like, "what kind of dinosaur did Jesus ride?"
Rubio is a typical GOPer idiot POS, and he sure ain’t no scientist. He doesn’t even remember that his parents fled Cuba with all that cash when Battista went down. What a buncha freedom fighters.
Templo S.U.D. about 12 years ago
I’ll answer by saying tyrannosaurus rex; it’s the king of the dinosaurs just like Jesus Christ is the King of Israel.
echoraven about 12 years ago
Should have told the reporter “older than you”.
rockngolfer about 12 years ago
Local Mayor Bill Foster thinks dinosaurs roamed the Earth with men.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 12 years ago
…and Roy Rogers is the king of the cowboys
Bob. about 12 years ago
Why is it important to know something like that unless you are going to play a trivia game. Just a dammn reporter playing “gotcha”.
hablano about 12 years ago
Definitely Jezus rode a T. rex, which he used to chase down and eat both Mohamed on his Velociraptor and Vishnu riding Ganesh.
peachyanddanny about 12 years ago
Rubio is a typical GOPer idiot POS, and he sure ain’t no scientist. He doesn’t even remember that his parents fled Cuba with all that cash when Battista went down. What a buncha freedom fighters.