Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for December 22, 2012

  1. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 12 years ago

    they found either Alley’s ax or a Mayan rubber ball :P

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  2. Missing large
    Polsixe  about 12 years ago

    The rumbling, isn’t it time for the big oil gusher, everyone gets coated in black gold and dance with glee? Back in the US backers JR Ewing and Jed Clampett wait for the good news.

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  3. 20090602 703
    profkatz  about 12 years ago

    Mr. saywhat you have been dipping into the Christmas eggnog on the sly once again, or perhaps it’s the smoke-filled air B’wana Q is sending you from Washington State!Oliver Stone directed “Platoon”, Francis Ford Coppola directed “Apocalypse Now”, and Mel Gibson directed “Apocalypto”!Mr. Celardo’s artwork has greatly improved, but this storyline is not the Tarzan/Jungle Adventure type, more like John Carter of Mars/Science Fiction.Now the T-Rex family will return to avenge the blowing up of the family’s leader, Tarzan & Dr. Dick are about to find themselves surrounded by dinosaurs, similar to Custer’s Last Stand….unless that’s Jane and all of her shopping bags coming over the horizon! :)> GottaWaitTilMondayGowa!!

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  4. 20090602 703
    profkatz  about 12 years ago

    H0-Ho-Ho Mr. saywhat? :)> Umgowa!!

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