Ok, ok calm down.That mystery guest with good, old, crooked Gov’nor Bisby is either a top-Russkie “diplomat” with a land deed (forged, of course!); a Chinese trillionaire who has the “mining rights” to the area—-purchased through dubious means, naturally; or…it IS Jane all decked out in her finest purchases from The Nairobi Shopping Mall, who has, indeed, “taken up” with those wealthy sugar-daddies! Mating is over for Tarzan who is constanly running about after bad-GUYS, helping good-GUYS, taking orders from boss-GUYS, etc.!Help us please, bring back a real woman, surely USAF Major Nurse Naomi Norman-Yeats has left the general by now is is still “hot for Tarzan”! :)> SoapOperaAGowa!!Oh, and there’s still that dinosaur “business” to resolve…….
wiselad about 12 years ago
see Jane?
wiselad about 12 years ago
You’re replying to saywhat?’s comment:
I cannot top that last comment. I will see you all tomorrow:-(
how about fact that Tarzan is planning to report to Governor that he saw a good Dick
emile.a.schwarz about 12 years ago
And what about the missing week ?
Strip 7585 to 7590 ARE MISSING GUYS!
Will you publish them starting tomorrow (before the next story) or will we have to consider them lost in time ?
Next story:
Tarzan and the Treasure ChestDec. 1963 to March 1964.
renfru swill about 12 years ago
Extremely bazaar — T-Rex shows up, gets dynamited, and explodes like a ball of gasoline. OK, time to move on with no more explanation?!
Polsixe about 12 years ago
who is it indeed? this is the story arc that just keeps going.
J Short about 12 years ago
It the governor’s new girlfriend Jane. Tarzan has been out much too long with Dick.
quartermain about 12 years ago
We’ll have to wait for Katman to get out of bed.
profkatz about 12 years ago
Ok, ok calm down.That mystery guest with good, old, crooked Gov’nor Bisby is either a top-Russkie “diplomat” with a land deed (forged, of course!); a Chinese trillionaire who has the “mining rights” to the area—-purchased through dubious means, naturally; or…it IS Jane all decked out in her finest purchases from The Nairobi Shopping Mall, who has, indeed, “taken up” with those wealthy sugar-daddies! Mating is over for Tarzan who is constanly running about after bad-GUYS, helping good-GUYS, taking orders from boss-GUYS, etc.!Help us please, bring back a real woman, surely USAF Major Nurse Naomi Norman-Yeats has left the general by now is is still “hot for Tarzan”! :)> SoapOperaAGowa!!Oh, and there’s still that dinosaur “business” to resolve…….
rdennetteiii about 12 years ago
maybe it’s a person coming to see why they blew up a dinosaur?