Unions….unions…I remember something about unions…what was it? Something about workers rights and a livable wage?…… What a fantasy that was was, eh? It’s funny, not in the Ha Ha way, of course, but when it’s the people who actually want work get screwed up and down both sides and in between…Oh, well, just a box of rain…….
Varnes about 12 years ago
Unions….unions…I remember something about unions…what was it? Something about workers rights and a livable wage?…… What a fantasy that was was, eh? It’s funny, not in the Ha Ha way, of course, but when it’s the people who actually want work get screwed up and down both sides and in between…Oh, well, just a box of rain…….
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Yeah…. now he’s gotta pay retail….which probably includes a cut for the Walton family, and a lot of Chinese worker’s wages…
Labor may be cheaper in China than the US…. but probably not cheaper than using even unionised elves…
And Varnes…. yes… so sad about Michigan, recently.
jreckard about 12 years ago
What did they want? More profit share?
cygnustigris about 12 years ago
Santa thinks in correct plural possessive. Excellent.
MissScarlet Premium Member about 12 years ago
Today’s Candorville has a similar theme.
ossiningaling about 12 years ago
How about that. The North Pole is ‘Right to work’