Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for December 14, 2012
Bucky: Humans have oppressed you since day one! Remember the first thing Rob ever did with you? Satchel: Changed the carpet? Bucky: No, no, the school he put you in! Didn't you completely so called obedience school? Satchel: I wouldn't go that far! Ha ha! I mean, I'd like to think I was a valuable member of it... I don't think I'd say my presence made the school complete, per se. I mean, they still accepted other pupils after me.
Opus Croakus about 12 years ago
Dogs don’t have it so bad. I don’t see dogs buying us toys and treats and picking up our poop.
hometownk Premium Member about 12 years ago
Uh-oh, the colourist is rushing and made the same mistake two days in a row. Satchel’s muzzle shouldn’t be brown i the last panel.
Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member about 12 years ago
SwimsWithSharks about 12 years ago
You complete me, Satchel.
Under Dog Premium Member about 12 years ago
No, the first thing he did to Satchel was snip-snip.
DavidGBA about 12 years ago
Finished but not completed?
Varnes about 12 years ago
I love it when Bucky gets flummoxed……
rolleg about 12 years ago
That’s not nice.
tacos 9 months ago
love the miss-color on the last panel