Watch Your Head by Cory Thomas for December 10, 2012

  1. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  about 12 years ago

    Celine Dion is good for getting rid of rat infestations, but not much else.

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    Collieman  about 12 years ago

    Hmmmm would have thought Quincy to be wiser on this…

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    soulalive1  about 12 years ago

    let’s look at all of the evidenceCory caught January cheating on him with a person of ill repute and he broke up with her.Cory gets a slight reputation by doing lil petty crimes for Jason because he cheated in school. time passes and Cory winds up hooking up with Robin who is at a very low point in her life character-wise.January shows up and Cory shows that he still has feelings for January prompting him to bend at her beck-and-call.Cory’s devotion to January puts up a big stumbling block in his new relationship with Robin … and let’s face it … Cory was down right disrespectful with his actions behavior toward Robin.January causes Cory to be late for his date with Robin who “dressed up” for the date whereas Cory came to the date late and in a hoody. January then interrupts the date consistently with texts that Cory keeps looking at which is rude to do regardless of who is texting him. Robin gave him plenty of chances to BE a date… she should have called a cab and left. Cory goes to January after the “help” text and asks officer if she will be in trouble. It doesn’t matter what the officer said because this strip usually sets authority up as stupid. the body that was on the EMS gurdy was NOT in a body bag which is black, but was covered in a sheet that was not bloody. There was no death at all. Someone was hurt though, but i doubt that is was suicide attempt. Cory’s dream suggests that what he thought to be a peaceful relationship with January, was in fact distorted and disturbing … and just plain wrong … and that January is nothing that she appears to be.

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    robinlouise123  about 12 years ago

    good summary – though i wonder who “that girl dying” refers to in the december 4 strip.

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