Oh, cheer up, Leopold! Doesn’t that lonely football by the sidewalk in the penultimate panel remind you of one of your past kills? Where but in the suburbs could you routinely score tasty neighbors, kids, and unwary sales- and service-people? It’s not as bad as you’re thinking—you’ve got your lab, your dungeon, prisoners, Lab Rat, Travis to pick on…. Suburbia is good to you, Leopold!
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Oh, cheer up, Leopold! Doesn’t that lonely football by the sidewalk in the penultimate panel remind you of one of your past kills? Where but in the suburbs could you routinely score tasty neighbors, kids, and unwary sales- and service-people? It’s not as bad as you’re thinking—you’ve got your lab, your dungeon, prisoners, Lab Rat, Travis to pick on…. Suburbia is good to you, Leopold!