Hey Barbeque donkey is pretty good. I done a couple of them on my ranch in deep pit with hickory wood and covered with banana leaves. I used to do weddings on horse back and have a few hundred guests. I barbequed pretty much all kinds of meats. Llama, horse, alligator, wild boar, buffalo, wild turkey, various deer and elk and bighorn sheep to name a few of them. Whatever the client wanted.
Anyone see the item where the NBA player imported from Europe just bought up the whole world’s supply of donkey cheese for a restaurant he’s opening overseas?
Bargrove about 12 years ago
He ha
billcor about 12 years ago
do deamons have moms?
pcolli about 12 years ago
Prefer Camel Crunchies, myself.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 12 years ago
To anyone new to this strip, his parents are not like him.
PICTO about 12 years ago
Don’t eat too many or they make your @$$ look big.
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Love Gary’s expression in panel 3! But what’s wrong with donkey cupcakes?
J Short about 12 years ago
I get a kick out of donkey cupcakes.
opentomeet about 12 years ago
It depends on which part of the donkey he used.
KevinH33 about 12 years ago
When he was little?
WebSpider about 12 years ago
Yeah, his parents are nothing like Leo. But they are sorta creepy in that Stepford parent way.
Imacyn about 12 years ago
Hey Barbeque donkey is pretty good. I done a couple of them on my ranch in deep pit with hickory wood and covered with banana leaves. I used to do weddings on horse back and have a few hundred guests. I barbequed pretty much all kinds of meats. Llama, horse, alligator, wild boar, buffalo, wild turkey, various deer and elk and bighorn sheep to name a few of them. Whatever the client wanted.
Peachguy82 about 12 years ago
From the few times we’ve seen her, I never expected Leo’s mother to make doncakes.
DavidGBA about 12 years ago
Are demons mammals? Babies with nasty teeth would be a challenge. Many non-mammal species still care for the young — evolutionary advantage.
K M about 12 years ago
Anyone see the item where the NBA player imported from Europe just bought up the whole world’s supply of donkey cheese for a restaurant he’s opening overseas?