I signed up for the express purpose of venting at this weeks comic. Congrats. This isn’t typical conservative, Christian nutsos, this is typical snobbery given by liberals. Granted, this is a comic and supposed to be a caricature of real life. But this isn’t even close to a caricature of Palin. Unless you believe GW Bush caused Hurricane Katrina.
Banning books is not liberal; liberalism is about giving people the power to express themselves, and trusting in community pressure to ensure people don’t go too crazy. Conservativism, OTOH, is about controlling people so they can’t even think about doing crazy things in the first place, which is why they ban books.
It certainly is possible for a liberal to occasionally want to ban a book, in the same way that it is possible for the very conservative Chuck Hagel to oppose Bush’s occupation of Iraq. Real human beings are complex; in practice, most people are a little bit conservative, a little bit liberal. But the CONCEPTS are very distinct, which is why liberals must condemn other liberals when we act illiberally.
Possum Pete over 16 years ago
Excellent! Typical conservative, Christian nut job.
drbob456 over 16 years ago
Can’t draw and now can’t think.
mivins over 16 years ago
Perfectamundo! And thanks for The Idiot Box. I laughed, I cried, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Machtyn over 16 years ago
I signed up for the express purpose of venting at this weeks comic. Congrats. This isn’t typical conservative, Christian nutsos, this is typical snobbery given by liberals. Granted, this is a comic and supposed to be a caricature of real life. But this isn’t even close to a caricature of Palin. Unless you believe GW Bush caused Hurricane Katrina.
Motivemagus over 16 years ago
Ah, but it isn’t the liberals who are banning books, is it?
ugrrl over 16 years ago
Good job, swinging at straw-liberals, Machtyn.
rewinn over 16 years ago
Banning books is not liberal; liberalism is about giving people the power to express themselves, and trusting in community pressure to ensure people don’t go too crazy. Conservativism, OTOH, is about controlling people so they can’t even think about doing crazy things in the first place, which is why they ban books.
It certainly is possible for a liberal to occasionally want to ban a book, in the same way that it is possible for the very conservative Chuck Hagel to oppose Bush’s occupation of Iraq. Real human beings are complex; in practice, most people are a little bit conservative, a little bit liberal. But the CONCEPTS are very distinct, which is why liberals must condemn other liberals when we act illiberally.
And that’s why the Palinoid head explodes.
Pab Sungenis creator over 16 years ago
mivins: Thank you. For those who don’t get the reference, try http://www.idiotboxers.tv