Particle board caskets are not the problem. The problem is the price charged to the grieving relatives! The charges can be as high or higher (depending how realistic the casket is) as a steel version!
Plain pinebox, particle board box or whatever. A body bag is OK by me. I won’t know the difference and neither will you in a short while. What I would like is to be remembered for a positive difference I hope I have made.
Llewellenbruce about 12 years ago
The company I used to work for makes casketsout of particle board. Talk about cheap.
MARG! Good morning.
margueritem about 12 years ago
Sucking the blood of cheese fries eaters…
Good morning, LB.
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Marshall is just a growing boy! Besides, we have seen that Broomie likes big guys….
William Bednar Premium Member about 12 years ago
Particle board caskets are not the problem. The problem is the price charged to the grieving relatives! The charges can be as high or higher (depending how realistic the casket is) as a steel version!
23035387 about 12 years ago
i guess this proves blood can be fattening
transylvanian about 12 years ago
Marshall needs to stop biting people after they leave McDonalds. :)
pawpawbear about 12 years ago
Plain pinebox, particle board box or whatever. A body bag is OK by me. I won’t know the difference and neither will you in a short while. What I would like is to be remembered for a positive difference I hope I have made.