Three words about Pay Day Loans: Don’t Do It! (which is actually four words, but one is a contraction.) I went with a friend one time to one of those places, the application said “385.99% Interest.” I said “Is that a misprint?” They said: “No, sir.” I tore up his application, and physically carried him out of the place. Oh, he thanks me now, but he didn’t then. Someone I work with got one of these. Two guys actually showed up at the office to demand payment, and very pubilcally too. We had to have police escort them off the property. Sheesh.
bluskies about 12 years ago
The two sides of “payday” loans. A hole you can’t dig your way out of; they’ll almost always hand you a bigger shovel.
Poollady about 12 years ago
Probably the same person too. Just depends on what kind of mood he’s in.
sZ_7 about 12 years ago
…ha! One moody person.
stewartava about 12 years ago
Is Ziggy getting some scoliosis or just wearing a full diaper?
octagon about 12 years ago
Pay Day loans with their userious rates. You can get a better deal out on the street.
transylvanian about 12 years ago
Three words about Pay Day Loans: Don’t Do It! (which is actually four words, but one is a contraction.) I went with a friend one time to one of those places, the application said “385.99% Interest.” I said “Is that a misprint?” They said: “No, sir.” I tore up his application, and physically carried him out of the place. Oh, he thanks me now, but he didn’t then. Someone I work with got one of these. Two guys actually showed up at the office to demand payment, and very pubilcally too. We had to have police escort them off the property. Sheesh.
transylvanian about 12 years ago
They sure do.