Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 17, 2013
enjoy this classic tom the dancing bug every thursday panels from the annals of the tom the dancing bug archive check back every friday for a fresh, brand new tom the dancing bug! tom the dancing bug by ruben bolling billy dare boy adventurer with quentin in -smugglers' cape- ch. mvdix: the unreliable narrator! captured! billy awakens to find himself in dr. venom's hideout! there's no hope of escape! billy: quentin! quentin gnashes futilely at the ropes... billy: good job! snlp ...and billy hatches an ill-fated plan! crash stay back, quentin! guard: what's going on in... urk! billt: hi-yaa! billy grabs the felled guard's weapon, but is suddenly seized by a paralyzing fear! billy: to the vent! he hesitantly crawls through a maze of ducts! billy: this way, quentin! the situation is utterly hopeless! he considers giving up. billy: almost there! consumed with fright, he works out the screws to a vent... billy: this is it! narrator: ...and pops it open, to find... ahh! billy: got you! there. now i can concentrate. next chapter: abrupt narrative shift!
pumaman about 12 years ago
Billy puts the gun to his head…
el8 about 12 years ago
A literal example of the radio industry term “dead air”.
milano99 about 12 years ago
Ruben is getting “fancy” with the chapter number. I thought it was an invalid Roman numeral, but it isn’t………..1514.
larryrhoades about 12 years ago
Good, good laugh!This is a good strip.
amayo about 11 years ago
the roman numerical MVDIX makes no sense!1514 = MDXIVgood thing this is a year older, i won’t stir the beehive with my comment.