JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for January 04, 2013

  1. Missing large
    JCDaly  about 12 years ago

    Story checks out Doc, good call!

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  about 12 years ago

    This Doc is a whiz!

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  3. Manachan
    rpmurray  about 12 years ago

    Real for the parents, who will grab at any excuse to excuse their underachievers.

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  4. Sophielens 2015 08 24 15 29  2
    Rotary12 Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Nice call, that’s what we called it when I was a kid in the sixties.

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  5. Missing large
    poihths  about 12 years ago

    There are plenty of kids who aren’t like that. Lots more than those who are.

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  6. Tvman
    gmforde  about 12 years ago

    As to anybody who claims that the drug companies diagnose whatever, that is wrong. The doctor does the testing before making a diagnosis. In America, the meds for ADD/ADHD are “controlled” and heavily regulated. As to sugar and its effects, they are negligible on hyperactive people. It does not go away when you become an adult. Teachers in America are trained in how to identify a student who has a hyperactivity problem. Do some research before promoting WRONG information. I have ADHD and know what I’m talking about. This stuff is nothing to laugh at.

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  7. Missing large
    Jansy  about 12 years ago

    Excellant reply!

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  8. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  about 12 years ago

    I’ll put in a word for the reality of ADD, ADHD, and Asperger’s. I have descendants who have been diagnosed with all of the above. It’s been no picnic for those diagnosed with these disorders. Imagine a fifteen-year-old boy who must endure taunts and thrown missiles from other kids on his school bus because he is “different.”

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  9. Missing large
    Dragon0131  about 12 years ago

    Not all teachers are qualified to determine if a kid has ADD or ADHD. From the time my son was 3 until he was in 4th grade, I had one teacher after another tell me he should be on something because THEY knew he was ADHD. Yeah, right. His pediatrician said he wasn’t and he didn’t fit any of the criteria on the questionaires. You know what he was? A boy who was the youngest kid in his class. He turned 5 and started kindergarten. His teachers expected him to be at the same level as the 6 year olds. He wasn’t so he would get frustrated. In 4th grade, when I gave his teacher the same speech after being informed he’s ADHD, she looked. She turned him around WITHOUT resorting to special treatment. For SOME children, ADD/ADHD exist. For others, more sleep, less sugar, more at home attention, understanding teachers and different ways to release their energy would actually “get rid” of the ADD/ADHD symptoms.

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  10. Solange
    ewalnut  about 12 years ago

    The “GAPS” diet helps for some autistic and ADHD kids — but you have to be consistent with it. It’s not just a matter of reducing sugar.

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    markthenurse1  about 12 years ago

    What kind of Quack diagnosis is that? Darn Kid Doctor!

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  12. Billcat
    tbritt99  about 12 years ago

    Sorry- incurable.

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  13. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  about 12 years ago

    For student’s are restless and get in trouble teacher has so many students and hard to keep all busy. Class overcrowding.Just think when children with ADHD get to be adults how far can they go in life.

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  14. Doodles
    monkeyhead  about 12 years ago

    Yup, some never were diagnosed in the first place and as adults still struggle.

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