Mrs. Olsen: Whoo! It's colder than a monkey's brass bottom out there! Caulfield: This is who holds the key to my academic future? Frazz: Relax. There isn't an "idioms" section on the S.A.T.
Don’t let the naysayers get you down, friend. If they aren’t interested, they have a scroll button. I found your dissertation informative and well written. Thanks for saving me a trip to the library.
George Bush Sr. once referred to his brand of conservatism as “compassionate conservatism”. If you have to specify, isn’t that an open admission that conservatism is not inherently compassionate?
The Old Wolf about 12 years ago
The expression is “cold enough to freeze the nuts off a brass bridge.”
RussHeim about 12 years ago
Just shorten it to “monkey’s brass.”
magicwalnut about 12 years ago
Who are you? Sheldon Cooper?
magicwalnut about 12 years ago
What I want to know is how Mallet knew when he drew this that it would be down to about 14 degrees this morning in Michigan! What timing!
Ned Snipes about 12 years ago
Take a look at Stone Soup today, glad to see I’m not the only to think that wikipedia is not THAT reliable
littleannoyingdog about 12 years ago
colder than a well diggers a$$
Devils Knight about 12 years ago
We always said "Colder than a Witch’s t*t "
jimcos about 12 years ago
Don’t let the naysayers get you down, friend. If they aren’t interested, they have a scroll button. I found your dissertation informative and well written. Thanks for saving me a trip to the library.
annamargaret1866 about 12 years ago
Colder than a ditch digger’s nitty gritty. Also, well digger’s, but ditch digger’s is more alliterative.
DDS029 about 12 years ago
“Colder than a well diggers lunch bucket,” was the phrase my Dad used.
Konabill about 12 years ago
Neat is right. Never too old to learn. Thanks.
hippogriff about 12 years ago
comicsssfan: That depends. Dante has the worst part of hell a frozen lake with the punished iced in.
boxbabies about 12 years ago
@littleannoyingdogThat’s the I heard all the time in my family. If it was REALLY cold, Dad would add “in Siberia” to it.
starfighter441 about 12 years ago
Actually you yanks wouldn’t know much about cold would you? Ok ,perhaps a few Alaskans.
cutiepie29 about 12 years ago
Chikuku wrote: The most accurate version, and my favorite: “Cold as a Republican’s heart.”
So, are you TRYING to be offensive, or does it just happen without you even making an effort?
childe_of_pan over 7 years ago
George Bush Sr. once referred to his brand of conservatism as “compassionate conservatism”. If you have to specify, isn’t that an open admission that conservatism is not inherently compassionate?
Bysshe over 6 years ago
Colder than a witch’s titty and colder than a Christian’s heart.