Rick: Well, that was different... Joanie: Jeff's signing? Rick: It was a total geek fest... A mob of fanboys, fantasists, and basement-dwellers-- all leaking testosterone! Jeff: Excuse me? Man: I could take you, man! And I only have two powers!
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
The delusional congregated.
Blood-Poisoning Vermin about 12 years ago
Like that convention down in Tampa over the summer.
Mike31g about 12 years ago
Duke puts in a ‘guest’ appearance in today’s rerun of Berkeley Breathed’s 1978 to 1979 cartoon ‘The Academia Waltz’. I once read (but can’t verify) that the GBT and BB disagreed strongly over the borrowing of characters.
Ensoh about 12 years ago
Nice touch, the dynamite plunger.
Weakstream about 12 years ago
Im glad we got that out of the way.
CasualObserver about 12 years ago
I’m five decades older than the average twenty year-old with whom I MMORPG. I don’t see a lot of difference between the generational extremes and the intellectual brilliance of many youth easily puts the brain-power of older folks to shame.
Most put-downs are self-righteousness in action. It seems to manifest more in the aged because we’ve had more time to feed our low self-esteem by screwing up our lives.
The younger generation, on the whole, will be fine…ComicCon and all…or would have been, had we left them any resources on which to survive.
moepatches2000 about 12 years ago
First thought on dynamite man is he looks kinda like Lotney “Sloth” Fratelli
thirdguy about 12 years ago
I used to leak testosterone. God, I miss those days!
michael pokrivnak about 12 years ago
Well said!
Carol69 about 12 years ago
babka Premium Member about 12 years ago
the century of men to boys
peabodyboy about 12 years ago
“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.” -Albert Camus
dook about 12 years ago
If you don’t know how to spell, “auf Wiedersehen” correctly, don’t use it.
mvw about 12 years ago
Your absolutely right, this section is for comments not fanzine articles.
octagon about 12 years ago
Carol69 about 12 years ago
Night-Gaunt49 said, about 3 hours ago
Then you haven’t a clue about fiction or its importance as a means of conveying facts and the feeling of the times.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<From what I understand feelings are not facts they are just feelings with out substantiation. But it is OK for you to believe this just do not try to sell it to others as fact.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Currently, I don’t see anything here from DT. Maybe he had a post earlier and deleted it? I thought I saw something which he had posted earlier, all interesting thoughts, but they seem to be gone now.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Au contraire, I enjoy many of the essays people post here…
Dragoncat about 12 years ago
…And so ends what may very well have been the greatest moment in Jeff’s life.Who knows when the Red Rascal will emerge from the gutter he has thrown himself in?
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Bet he’s an NRA member.
Carol69 about 12 years ago
Have another Jameson or Bushmills or whatever your religion prescribes.I just said “feeling” are not fact and not that they should to be dismissed. A person’s perception Is their personal fact but not to be confused with indisputable irrefutable fact not what their perception tells them. So close the book and godo something else.
Carol69 about 12 years ago
There is another medical scare called the BENGHAZI flu. Oh my is there a cure ?