Pluggers by Rick McKee for January 18, 2013

  1. Snapshot10
    battle of plattsburgh  about 12 years ago

    I’ve forgotten what new cars smelled like.

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    pcolli  about 12 years ago

    New cars smell like what ever they’re sprayed with. Now when they had leather seats……..

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    Jimmie Parker  about 12 years ago

    I like the smell of old truck.

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    Plods with ...™  about 12 years ago

    Our local auto parts store sells used car smell air “fresheners”..For the practical joker in us all.

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  5. Dgp 61
    DavidGBA  about 12 years ago

    Price is right!

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    DGWillie  about 12 years ago

    If I could find one that accurately reproduces “New Car Smell,” I’d put it into my 20-year-old car. The replacement seat upholstry (REAL leather) three years ago worked for a while.

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  7. Img011
    Tin Can Twidget  about 12 years ago

    Connect the appliance battery to the “Run” line of your vehicle. That way, when the ignition is off, there is no power drawn from the vehicle battery. Also, no power is wasted on appliances when you want to start the engine. The appliance battery will be being charged only when the vehicle switch is in the “run” position.

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