The paper towel holder is womply. See the line isn’t straight, so he clearly cut it wrong. And there’s nails/screws sticking out of weird places. How was that hard for everyone to see? He’s just spent time and effort on something he thought would be hard, made a very beginner looking project, and is proud of himself for doing so well,and all she sees is a poorly made piece of garbage. It’s like when your 4-year-old brings you a craft project and you tell them how professional it looks when in fact you know it’s sloppy.
“I made this myself” — I believe the double entendre is that he nailed himself in the head, Thus, he too is wood with nails in it. As in “I made this [into] myself.” ?
i_am_the_jam about 12 years ago
I think I’m missing a crucial detail here…
el8 about 12 years ago
From a kit (no kitting), just like paint by numbers.
ThunderChicken72 about 12 years ago
How is this a double entendre? I see no double meaning here. Just more making men out to be useless fools.
ktcherry1 about 12 years ago
Could it have something to do with the two holes in his forehead????
rjvjelly about 12 years ago
I think it has something to do with an empty paper roll. Some people seem unable to put on a new roll
awitbeck about 12 years ago
He’s got a wooden head?
Andylit Premium Member about 12 years ago
I suspect some replacement editor thought the eyes were missing and added them on his forehead.
bugaboo27 about 12 years ago
Yeah. This is just weird. No idea what the double entendre refers to, and no idea what’s going on on his forehead.
grossvatter about 12 years ago
That is 2,count’m’ 2 beads of good ole’ American SWEAT!
madmarge about 12 years ago
It looks like a spice rack. I made one in workshop when I was in middle school.
REDROCKER51 about 12 years ago
my pappy said that woodworking is easy once you get passed the first first aid kit…………..
BrookFan about 12 years ago
I am a woodworker and I have no idea what the H#LL this means.
gekk0 about 12 years ago
I’ve gotta think that the nail gun got away from him…
awitbeck about 12 years ago
Perhaps “wood(working)”, “hard”, “myself” and “kid(ding)” work into the equation… yikes, I hope I’m wrong.
kcycrs about 12 years ago
I really can’t find the double meaning here. I can clearly see a condescending attitude and sarcasm, though.
Miba about 12 years ago
The paper towel holder is womply. See the line isn’t straight, so he clearly cut it wrong. And there’s nails/screws sticking out of weird places. How was that hard for everyone to see? He’s just spent time and effort on something he thought would be hard, made a very beginner looking project, and is proud of himself for doing so well,and all she sees is a poorly made piece of garbage. It’s like when your 4-year-old brings you a craft project and you tell them how professional it looks when in fact you know it’s sloppy.
bugaboo27 about 12 years ago
Yes, Miba, we can see that. What we’re not seeing is a double entendre, as kcycrs explained.
Jon Premium Member about 12 years ago
“I made this myself” — I believe the double entendre is that he nailed himself in the head, Thus, he too is wood with nails in it. As in “I made this [into] myself.” ?