Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for January 09, 2013

  1. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  about 12 years ago

    I just threw one away yesterday. Yes, it feels bad.

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  2. A service i need
    Kvasir42 Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Can I say that I enjoy this comic much, much more when it involves Barney and Clyde, or the family, and stays away from the two office workers who spend all their time punning? Those two are killing this for me. I enjoy puns, but not the ones presented here?

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  3. Missing large
    uniquename  about 12 years ago

    My answer would have been, "No. “Do you ever feel envious that I’m so rich?”

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    Dragon0131  about 12 years ago

    Have to remember, these guys are friends in a way. If some random street person had asked him that, his answer would have been “Yes, I am”. But this person is someone he’s trying to figure out. Barney is ambitious and does not understand the unambitious man. People like Barney (not necessarily wealthy, but ambitious) are rarely happy, they always want and need more thinking the next thing will make them happy. Clyde is the unambitious man. Content with what he has and doesn’t want more.

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  5. Frank frazetta wolfmoon s
    ossiningaling  about 12 years ago

    Hey, one man’s discarded yacht is another man’s.. still a yacht.

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