If you read the line right in the middle of the top of the comic, it’ still 2012 in review strips. Rita got the new desk sometime in the middle of the year, if i recall correctly.The strips seem to be working backwards through the year.
http://www.gocomics.com/working-daze/2012/02/24The red one is CarolinaJay is the blueyellow is EdThe turquoise spiral is Roy The frog is Melvin (whom Dana once turned into an actual frog)
One of the best things about the 2012 strips was the return of Madamme Shannon, I’ve always liked her design from the beginning and Roberts has really givin her personality with his really great modeling of her body positioning it gives her a certain flair she sort of lacked he has really breathed life into her and made her pop as a character.
knarfus about 12 years ago
Hmmmm……isn’t Ed already a human paperweight?
mvw about 12 years ago
The toad’s got to be Sal.
cgale42 about 12 years ago
What happened to her desk?
b0mb about 12 years ago
If you read the line right in the middle of the top of the comic, it’ still 2012 in review strips. Rita got the new desk sometime in the middle of the year, if i recall correctly.The strips seem to be working backwards through the year.
rshive about 12 years ago
Will the yellow pyramid (whoever it is) focus everyone’s mental energy?
Sodaburger about 12 years ago
http://www.gocomics.com/working-daze/2012/02/24The red one is CarolinaJay is the blueyellow is EdThe turquoise spiral is Roy The frog is Melvin (whom Dana once turned into an actual frog)
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 12 years ago
It’s a repeat.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 12 years ago
It was Madam Shannon’s idea.
Dwilesjr about 12 years ago
One of the best things about the 2012 strips was the return of Madamme Shannon, I’ve always liked her design from the beginning and Roberts has really givin her personality with his really great modeling of her body positioning it gives her a certain flair she sort of lacked he has really breathed life into her and made her pop as a character.
runedune about 12 years ago
Okay already. Enough with the “year in review” stuff. Let’s see something new.