FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for April 08, 2013
Peter: Mom read some report that said kids who watched over an hour of TV a day more prone to violent behavior. Now she's going to make us all cut way back on how much we see. I swear, I could strangle whoever wrote that report. Jason: Heck, I'd pummel, Main, and then strangle.
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
what’s the boys’ sister’s say in this?
Zero-Gabriel almost 12 years ago
If anyone is trying to blame TV or even Video Games as the source of violence, I’m going to throw a couple of names out there… These guys certainly don’t need any inspiration for violence!!- Genghis khanVlad (III) DraculaSpanish InquisitionAdolf HitlerAl Capone-Feel free to add more names to the list of infamous people in history THAT NEVER HAD TO WATCH TV OR PLAYED VIDEO GAMES TO GET IDEAS!!
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
whenever they blame video games and television, i’m wondering on how angry birds or sesame street led to violent behavior?
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 12 years ago
It seems that lack of television is causing violent behavior here.
Devils Knight almost 12 years ago
seen it on a tv show once the french lady who bathed in the blood of virgins was Elizabeth Bathory
zoidknight almost 12 years ago
All it is, is another useless report by an adult who just wants to hog the television more.
QuietStorm27 almost 12 years ago
Television and video games could never cause a normal, well-adjusted person to become violent. In my opinion, it could only give the already unstable individuals more ideas, better not let them watch the news.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 12 years ago
pummel strangle, THEN stomp up and down on their miserable bashed in facethat get TONS of extra points and lives
ewalnut almost 12 years ago
As if Peter and Jason ever showed any inclination of being violent. What a load of poo.
scyphi26 almost 12 years ago
Proving point, these two are.
RockChalkJayhawk almost 12 years ago
I think I’ll go watch Gilligan’s Island…there’s violence at it’s worst…
The Life I Draw Upon almost 12 years ago
Abby believes that if it’s in a book it must be true.
Zero-Gabriel almost 12 years ago
@Shyygirl27+@Scyphi-“Give Ideas” + “Proving point” – Now where do you suppose all those “Stable” pleasant folks, aside from the middle east and in many places around the world, get all their “inspirations” despite not necessarily having TVs or Video Games…??-Hint…Conflicts of InterestFalse ProphetsPower Corrupted Ruler/Leaders/PoliticiansMilitary Dictators Religious Leaders, Zealots/MilitantOppressive Religious LawsOppressive Politics/LawsPropaganda(s)Decades/Centuries of Territorial Wars/JihadsXenophobia, Racism, Paranoia…LawlessnessKill or be KilledEtc-etc… and the list goes on and on.-And as I have mentioned earlier, all those infamous people throughout history who are (some) premodern-technological…-Despite all that… Isn’t anyone, sane/insane, young/old, rich/poor have the capacity and potential of committing heinous acts of any degree with or without incentives or influences…??
jkhandy almost 12 years ago
Seems all people do anymore is sit in front of a screen, as I’m doing now. Computers, smart phones, ipads, TV, DVD players etc., experiencing a virtual reality instead of actually living real life. Last time I went to see a movie, so many people went right to their phones as they exited the theater. No wonder kids today, as well as so many adults are so inept when it comes to actual physical social interaction. Many on Facebook have so called friends they’ve never even sat down with in person. Throw in ADD, Hypertension, etc., and anyone can conclude that, although there is amazing technology involved, organic beings, such as ourselves, are showing the negative effects. Sad to see so many parents allowing the screen to raise their kids, instead of actually interacting with them. Then the parents complain about how ‘out of touch’ their child is. Lose your phone and see how many phone numbers you can remember. With Computers doing all the thinking for us, we are just getting dumber. Get a clue people. Just turn the garbage off. Live a life.
lcdrlar almost 12 years ago
It is amazing how TV, violent video games, violent movies get blamed for people doing violent things. But, screen writers, authors, etc don’t seem to be blamed when they write the graphic details of violence, or the biography of people like Dalmer and other serial killer (that people flock to read about, or see on screen – like Helter-Skelter). These might also be part of the big VIOLENT picture. Let alone things like the bombings, killings etc around the world. HEY PEOPLE, it’s not a peaceful world out there- no matter what you may think, or desire.
VegasJimmy almost 12 years ago
If Big Al was around today I’m sure he’d be the top player in Mafia Wars……at least until Carlo Gambino came along.