The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for February 06, 2013

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 12 years ago


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    mikie2  about 12 years ago

    Bev, you can rest assured that your tip will be based on the net ticket after the coupon discount, not before. You will, however, be required to work twice as hard for it. Oh, and it will be computed to the exact penny before tax, rounded down.

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  3. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  about 12 years ago

    Good evening. (That’s from Hitchcock.) We went to see “Amour” yesterday. Wow! Simply spectacular but a very hard film to watch. It was good to see both Jean-Louis Trintignant (Un Homme et une Femme, 1966) and Emmanuelle Riva (Hiroshima mon amour, 1959) as lovers at the end of their lives. A very different aspect. Isabelle Huppert is very good as well. (But I still miss Anouk Aimee!)Don’t miss it if you can stand the intensity.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Marg… I think he means that since he’s only paying for ONE, make sure it’s Dale’s, and his is the free one…so Dale can’t say he didn’t buy him lunch.

    Of course, since they’re having the same thing it’s moot….and if they weren’t, the cheapest would be the free one, no matter whose.

    With these two, there won’t BE a cheapest…they’ll always make sure to order the same amount, to the penny, so as not to waste a chance for a free morsel.

    “Oh…. you’re having a side salad… I may as well too, since it’s free.”

    Haha… sometimes it’s not.Imagine Burl’s shock when they tell him the coupon is good ONLY for the entree, not for any extras.“Dale! Give that salad back!I can’t afford two!”

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Burl’s wallet holds:

    Three really good KFC coupons from 1989 that he’s still hoping to use, if only they don’t check the date.A $15 check from his Uncle Bert for his 15th birthday, that he’d lost, but then found six years ago. The bank says it’s too old, but he’ll try one more time to slip it in unnoticed with an ATM deposit.The last condom he ever bought, maybe….oh…. how old is Patty?Before that…but hey, it’s still good, isn’t it…. just in case.

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  6. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Happy birthday, Debbie!Hey, birthdays are good, no matter what age.I oughta know… I’ve had lots.

    I mean, you can’t stay young anyway, the offer is not on the table.

    So you might as well celebrate that you managed to get older instead of any other alternative!

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  7. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Hey…. you didn’t tell us which day… ? ? ? No need…. just celebrate all week…. Happy B-Day Dale and Deb….! ! !

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  8. Thumb 2ynh65d
    I have toenails on my fingers!  about 12 years ago

    The waitress is grooving on our boys’ charm.

    Is lugging 2,500 plates of Friday’s Smelt and Creamed Corn Special finally going to pay off? Is that odd belly stratum a stuffed money belt or just another roll of cute? Just how married are these guys?

    As for the tip.. she’ll be stiffed.. just not in the way she hopes.

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  9. Thumb 2ynh65d
    I have toenails on my fingers!  about 12 years ago

    The rest of the diners go hungry and unattended as Bev soaks in the testosterone.. or is that generic brand Rogaine?

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Debbie, mine was last week and at my age, I guess That is a good thing as well. I keep telling myself that all my female relatives lived into their nineties! We use toofers once in a while too, nothing wrong with that, but please tip on the full amount! Burl must really hate to tip, giving money to somebody and not getting something in return!

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  11. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago

    And after her shift ended, Bev handed in her notice and left waitressing far, far behind her!

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