Tall Tale Radio by Tom Racine for January 14, 2013

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    fresco b milne  about 12 years ago

    great PODCAST i really enjoyed it except it finished in the middle of an answer to your question

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    tracine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Thank you! Sorry about the audio…I think it’s fixed, and you’ll be able to find it on my site tomorrow, too. I do love Kris and Ruben’s take on horror…I grew up reading Poe and others like that…my kind of stuff, rather than the slasher type.

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    illoluv  about 12 years ago

    Awww man. I just keep getting errors. :(

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    Banjo Evans  about 12 years ago

    These are pretty good but waaay too long.

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    tracine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Thanks, Info…my interviews are almost always 45 minutes to an hour…artists like to speak when they get the chance! I strive for depth and conversation, rather than 10 minutes of quick chit chat.

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    Banjo Evans  about 12 years ago

    As long as you’re happy. I’ll try to check more out but I honestly probably cannot devote that much time

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    phillipjosephjudd  about 12 years ago

    Tom listen to the general audience. We like them for the hour. If people can’t find the time then they are not really interested or need to cut back on the computer games or TV….:-)

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