New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for January 16, 2013

  1. Missing large
    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    or, she can bailout the banks by nationalizing them. or, libor scandal. or, the bank that he bought the mortgage from was lehman brothers.

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  2. Clouseau
    el8  about 12 years ago

    Another royal screwing.

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  3. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 12 years ago

    Haha! This looks more like a Monopoly game between Calvin and Hobbes…

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  4. Monty avatar
    steverinoCT  about 12 years ago

    Are you feeling all right, Pab? This arc is actually funny!

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  5. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 12 years ago

    I believe a “robo-sign” is a concealed traffic sign that pops out just as you pass it, so that traffic cops can make their quota.

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