Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 25, 2014

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    When I pay my respects for Jennifer, I feel like that old man, standing over his squad leader’s grave in “Searching for Private Ryan”. I was her age when I went to Vietnam. I came home. Have I lived the best I could? I have a wonderful wife. My children are good people. I lived 65 years. Why me?When I talk to a fellow Vietnam Veteran, I always use that phase: “You remember to live the best for those guys who didn’t come home.”

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    rgcviper  almost 11 years ago

    “I love my ability to be comfortable with my body, and therefore say ‘Who CARES how the appearance of others makes me feel!’.”

    Good Sunday Morning, “Cathy” Clan.

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    Gretchen's Mom  almost 11 years ago

    Even though I’m pretty much the perfect weight for my height, I hate bathing suit season, too — which is why I don’t participate in it. But when I do, anorexic teens/women don’t make me feel bad about myself because I’ve gotten to the age where I feel just fine about, and accept myself, the way that I am. As long as I’M happy with me, then I couldn’t care less what anyone else [with the excepetion of my husband, of course] thinks!!!!!


    Hi, rgcviper!


    Hello and Happy Sunday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone has been having a really nice weekend so far!!!

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    Lorilee is 36. Still looks 20 and beautiful from that dancing and Tai Chi. Loves NYC nightlife. Has no career plans but just an advantage. Leaves for China after summer camp for disadvantage children in Upper Cascades in New York State. Her one day off at camp, she rushes back NYC for fun. I have heard no man’s name, but I know she breaks men’s hearts. Because she don’t care about them using marriage as a weapon.

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    ORMouseworks  almost 11 years ago

    Cathy! If you’d just wear heavy-duty sunglasses, you wouldn’t have seen that slender woman! Besides, not Everyone has a natural body that resembles sticks put together! Enjoy the body you have, toning it with exercise and good food, and be happy! ;)

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    My son’s girl gave us her mom side with her 12 year daughter. My niece said she saw a Facebook pix and both my son and his girl were hot. I saw it. She is a smoking blonde with blue eyes. Near 40, my son is still handsome artist. He give women excitement, but no ring. But he said he was going to have serious relationship. I feel like Father Sullivan who told my wife not marry womanizer like me. If you marry her with the kid, I will believe.

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    midland1967  almost 11 years ago

    Nearly 40 years ago, I sent you a Christmas card. You sent a nice Cathy card back. The hearts in a basket. My then young wife torn it up. Mexican women cannot believe men can have women friends. BC

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