Cathy and Irving both came into this marriage with houses and careers (and dogs!) of their own. Plus, they dated for 35 years. I’m not sure I see any reason for a prenup here either.
My husband and I didn’t do a pre-nup before we got married because neither one of us had anything worth preventing the other one from getting in the event it didn’t work out after all! ;-)
Hi, rgcviper! :-) Holy cow! How’s your weather been the last coupleof days since then?
Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyonehad a really nice day today! :-)
O-Kay almost 9 years ago
Cathy and Irving both came into this marriage with houses and careers (and dogs!) of their own. Plus, they dated for 35 years. I’m not sure I see any reason for a prenup here either.
AnonaMoaner almost 9 years ago
Pre-nups hadn’t been invented when we got married.
Gretchen's Mom almost 9 years ago
My husband and I didn’t do a pre-nup before we got married because neither one of us had anything worth preventing the other one from getting in the event it didn’t work out after all! ;-)
Hi, rgcviper! :-) Holy cow! How’s your weather been the last coupleof days since then?
Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyonehad a really nice day today! :-)
rgcviper almost 9 years ago
Her optimism is inspiring. It’s [ahem] slightly overboard in panel 2, if you ask me, but it’s still inspiring. Sorry, Cathy in that panel.
HI, MOM. Greetings, Clan.