Oh, now, that’s just a LIE! Shoes, clothes, bathing suits, high-priced coffee, lunches and dinners out with friends and family at restaurants ….. the list goes on and on. Cathy has spent all kinds of money so far this year and she haven’t even gotten to the Christmas shopping season yet! But even if that statement were TRUE and she doesn’t have any intentions of buying something today, then what’s she doing at the mall right now? If that were me, I wouldn’t be wasting my time there when I could be at home, spending precious “family” time with my husband and dogs instead! :-/
Hi, rgcviper! :-)
Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone had a really great day today! :-)
SnowBunny12 about 5 years ago
It won’t last long. Just wait until Cathy starts Christmas shopping.
Gretchen's Mom about 5 years ago
Oh, now, that’s just a LIE! Shoes, clothes, bathing suits, high-priced coffee, lunches and dinners out with friends and family at restaurants ….. the list goes on and on. Cathy has spent all kinds of money so far this year and she haven’t even gotten to the Christmas shopping season yet! But even if that statement were TRUE and she doesn’t have any intentions of buying something today, then what’s she doing at the mall right now? If that were me, I wouldn’t be wasting my time there when I could be at home, spending precious “family” time with my husband and dogs instead! :-/
Hi, rgcviper! :-)
Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone had a really great day today! :-)
rgcviper about 5 years ago
“Go ahead. Just try to snatch that credit card from my wallet/my purse. How brave do you feel?” — Cathy
HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.