Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for March 10, 2013
Rose: Oh, he will be thrilled! He just went to bed. Guess who wants to read you a bedtime story? Meemaw (on the phone): How's my boy? Pasquale: Meemaw! Meemaw (on the phone): Put the phone next to your pillow...then close your eyes! Pasquale: Okay! Meemaw: All we have to do is choose a story...I've made a few selections! There's a pirate who can't sail...he gets sad...or a duck who forgets how to quack... I'd have to describe the lovely drawings! And Pety the Pterosaur...A prehistoric flying reptile who is afraid to fly! I hope there's a happy ending! Meemaw (on the phone): I'll leave the choice up to you, Pasquale! Pasquale? Meemaw: Uh...I hear steady he already asleep, Rose? Meemaw (on the phone): Rose? "In the end, it's not about the perfect story... It's about the perfect storyteller!
RoadTrip3500 almost 12 years ago
She’s good.
rshive almost 12 years ago
I always liked Dr. DeSoto. He’s a mouse dentist who has a fox come to him with a toothache. The Dr. is conflicted about treating a dangerous animal. And the fox is conflicted about whether it would be poor form to eat the Dr. after he’s cured the toothache.
Phosphoros almost 12 years ago
This is wonderful!
Zaristerex almost 12 years ago
One time I borrowed an audiobook of The Turn of the Screw, but the narrator’s voice was so soothing that she kept putting me to sleep.
ncalifgirl58 almost 12 years ago
Awww!! I love reading bedtime stories too.
hippogriff almost 12 years ago
Wolf Emperor and Meowlin: My wife has that problem with anything nonviolent coming on just before the 10:00 news.
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
another boring book, james joyce’s ulysses. that or zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
Doctor11 almost 12 years ago
Wow, she’s good.