Heart of the City by Steenz for February 14, 2013

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    TheSoundDefense  about 12 years ago

    You seem to be implying that thereā€™s somebody worse at writing/directing Star Wars than George Lucas. I assure you this is not the case.

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  2. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Maybe JJ will steal the idea of a planet-destroying weapon from his ā€œStar Trekā€ reboot. Oh, waitā€¦

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  3. Kenny
    The Nihilist  about 12 years ago

    Dean is youngā€¦ He never tried watching Star Trek the Next Generation where the dialogue is ā€˜reallyā€™ interchangeable in addition to being inept.

    When Lucas lost Leigh Brackett for his scripts after Empire Strikes Back, that is when his SW universe dialogue started to cave in.

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    Purple Morpho 2015  about 12 years ago

    Hey, Iā€™m no big fan of either of them but I think he said that because George Lucas would have a conniption looking at dialogue he did not create.

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    dyankee23  about 12 years ago

    ā€œGeorge, you can type this ****, but you sure as hell canā€™t say it!ā€ ā€“ Harrison Ford, to George Lucas, during the production of the original movie.

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    DDS029  about 12 years ago

    Thatā€™s what happens when doing a trio of triads out of order and so far apart. You lose continuity. Writers and directors have no idea where the story was intended to go. Doing the first three second, it didnā€™t matter what the ā€œvisionā€ was as long as it ended up segueing into Ep 4 (the original). But the odd mix of high-tech to lower-tech, back to high tech ends up looking like Hawaii 5-0 then and now and trying to treat it as a natural progression.

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    SquidGamerGal  about 12 years ago

    Excuse me! This is Valentineā€™s Day! Heā€™s suppose to be writing a Valentine letter!!

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    The Real Zarth Arn  about 12 years ago

    I think Lucas is a capable director, but he canā€™t write. Jersey Shore has better dialog than the three prequel films.

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    Miba  about 12 years ago

    Hm. I would rather beg him to pick up some of the eu and read it so he doesnā€™t mess anything up.

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  10. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 12 years ago

    ā€œā€¦reading these comments I wonder why most of these people ever watched another of the films after seeing the first that they didnā€™t like.ā€

    Speaking personally, I disliked ā€œAni the Menaceā€ enough that I passed on ā€œSend In The Clones,ā€ but I figured I ought to see ā€œSteaming Pile of Sithā€ just to close the circle, to see how it would segue into the real ā€œStar Warsā€ (I refuse to call it ā€œA New Hopeā€).

    (I liked ā€œEmpire Strikes Back,ā€ but itā€™s so clearly a ā€˜middle chapterā€™; ā€œReturn of the Teddiesā€ should have been a warning sign that the shark was being jumped, but after 20 years I was hoping that it was an anomaly.)

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    joegeethree  about 12 years ago

    I fell asleep watching episode IV at the theater. It was pretty unwatchable for me.

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    burleigh2  about 12 years ago

    Ingrate!! Without George, we wouldnā€™t HAVE Star Wars!!

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    David Smirh  about 12 years ago

    What amazes me isnā€™t that Lucas canā€™t write, itā€™s that his fans can read. ;) Seriously, we should all be happy that additional stories are being added, rather than continous remakes. (Iā€™m a Lucas fan)

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  14. Hangingoutatthecanyon2
    nj23nut  about 12 years ago

    Dean, Iā€™d also pray that Hayden Christiansen is no where near the new ones, either.

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    Decepticomic  almost 4 years ago

    Sigh. No comment.

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