That poor, li’l Dutch plugger kid; bet his finger’s getting tired until the adults get cement to fix the hole fast.
Dutch alligators are too stoned to be of much bother, even if they’ve got the munchies.
LOVE the switch pun
Send them to New Orleans.
Night-Gaunt49: Unlike the US, where science has been banned, they are already deep in the planning stages of how best to raise them.
Like the English I think the American Plugger would hate the Dutch. Well maybe with the exception of the Huguenots. Just maybe.
Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly
June 10, 2017
May 20, 2021
Templo S.U.D. about 12 years ago
That poor, li’l Dutch plugger kid; bet his finger’s getting tired until the adults get cement to fix the hole fast.
pcolli about 12 years ago
Dutch alligators are too stoned to be of much bother, even if they’ve got the munchies.
comedynut about 12 years ago
LOVE the switch pun
The Life I Draw Upon about 12 years ago
Send them to New Orleans.
hippogriff about 12 years ago
Night-Gaunt49: Unlike the US, where science has been banned, they are already deep in the planning stages of how best to raise them.
stukuls1 about 12 years ago
Like the English I think the American Plugger would hate the Dutch. Well maybe with the exception of the Huguenots. Just maybe.