My Dad was the same way. We used to tease him because after he was finished salting a “sunny side up” egg, it looked like it was just white, no yolk.Salt didn’t get him in the end, but it probably didn’t do him much good.
Salting everything indicates a medical condition, usually brain injury or deterioration. We got y wife’s dad to drink lime flavored water instead of salting his tap water after his brain cancer.
Probably puts it on his toothpaste. We got my brother-in-law a t-shirt that says "I Put Salt on my Salt’. Unfortunately he is now in the Cleveland Clinic, and has had high blood pressure and other issues for years.
McSpook almost 12 years ago
My Dad was the same way. We used to tease him because after he was finished salting a “sunny side up” egg, it looked like it was just white, no yolk.Salt didn’t get him in the end, but it probably didn’t do him much good.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 12 years ago
There’s way too much salt in Canadian food. I certainly don’t have to add anymore.
CarolineMcKinnon almost 12 years ago
does he have blood pressure to match? gotta watch that
PoodleGroomer almost 12 years ago
Salting everything indicates a medical condition, usually brain injury or deterioration. We got y wife’s dad to drink lime flavored water instead of salting his tap water after his brain cancer.
Salamurai almost 12 years ago
My sister in law does that. I don’t get the one in the bathroom.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“Where’s the salt!?Where’s the salt!?Where’s the G-D- salt!?”
SapphireSkies Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The one in the bathroom does bring gross thoughts to mind. I sure hope that one’s a comic strip addition and not drawn from real life!
edward thomas Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Probably puts it on his toothpaste. We got my brother-in-law a t-shirt that says "I Put Salt on my Salt’. Unfortunately he is now in the Cleveland Clinic, and has had high blood pressure and other issues for years.