Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 15, 2013
news of the times obama admin. developing legal-drone program why is the obama administration keeping its legal memoranda on its drone program top secret? because its department of justice is developing the most innovative, aggressive legal technology in the world. expert: if these legal positions got into the hands of the russians or the chinese, they could be reverse-engineered and used against us or our allies. legal secrecy expert name: classified and news of the times has learned that the obama administration is planning to deploy drones armed with these aggressive legal analyses into the battlefield*. *everywhere (source: classified) legal architecture is developed in department of justice labs. completed arguments are installed into high-tech drones. drones are then sent to law school. then five years at a corporate law firm to pay off law school debt. and then the legal-drones are battle-ready. legal rationales flit through the legal-drone's processor at lightspeed, providing cover for its client drones to decimate their targets. threat: "imminent" bystanders: "combatants" process: "due" execution: "constitutional"
wcorvi about 12 years ago
Hey, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
HenryPercy about 12 years ago
Coming to a country near you: Total observation + militarization of police + domestic drones = the triumph of totalitarianismCheck out
King_Shark about 12 years ago
This strip is exactly why I’ve ditched Doonesbury as a regular read and switched to this comic. I only wish it came out every day.
ickymungmung about 12 years ago
Who knew evil would have such a goofy phallic head?