Mona? Mona’s?
As the smoke cloud reaches eye level, pizza is ordered.
Pizza is good. Mona’s cooking is bad. Seems like the logical solution to me!
When your talents do not include the ability in the kitchen then ordering pizza is a safe bet.
a four seasons for me please
November 06, 2015
Commentator about 12 years ago
Mona? Mona’s?
Randy B Premium Member about 12 years ago
As the smoke cloud reaches eye level, pizza is ordered.
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Pizza is good. Mona’s cooking is bad. Seems like the logical solution to me!
Peabody-Martini about 12 years ago
When your talents do not include the ability in the kitchen then ordering pizza is a safe bet.
Tantor about 12 years ago
a four seasons for me please