Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for March 15, 2013

  1. Curly pres
    jmcx4  almost 12 years ago

    Same here. Now, it’s “they like YOU so much, so why don’t YOU get up and let them out/in, feed, bathe, poop scoop, take to the vet”, etc…

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  2. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 12 years ago

    My dogs fill up on goose and deer poop, then turn up their noses at dog food.

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  3. D4a5a14f f69d 431f a7b7 321b5406dd5d
    Jkiss  almost 12 years ago

    Since I’m the only one in the house that takes the time to care for them…..and I’m know as the Treat Lady…..dogs in our house have always been mine.

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  4. Puppies 005
    GrizzlyWife  almost 12 years ago

    Too true and he/she can’t open the door.

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