Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for April 03, 2013
Petey: Mom got me some soccer shoes. Im not sure if they'll help or not. Alice: Try them with another sport, like paddleball. Petey: Good idea! Petey: They didn't help at all. Dill: I thought getting it wrapped around your head was the whole point of paddleball.
margueritem almost 12 years ago
Dill is correct.
Linux0s almost 12 years ago
Who knew paddleball was a contact sport.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Those things (paddleballs) are dangerous. I had one or two when I was little and did not yet realize that I had no athletic skills. Either the rubberband broke and the ball flew off to impact something or someone, or the band tangled itself around me much as it has here around Petey. In some ways I think I was Petey as a little kid (though he beats me in picky eating rituals and I had no little sister).
smithron4 almost 12 years ago
Once the rubber band broke my mother knew just what to do with the main part. She applied it directly to the seat of the problem. Especially after I broke the yard stick she had been using into thirty pieces!
rolleg almost 12 years ago
Dill is showing some disturbing tendencies, running a bus into a cow.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
O’ it’s suppose to have a rubber band?
ossiningaling almost 12 years ago
If he wants to try paddleball, Petey should be wearing cross-trainers.
Gokie5 almost 12 years ago
I was a klutz in sports, too, from jacks on up. The only time I didn’t get picked last for a team was when my best friend was the captain – she later won a city-wide free-throw championship (for girls). However, during spelling bees, I was in my element.
dramac333 almost 12 years ago
Me too, Dill! And I’m great at it!
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
better stick with Go Fish
Pickbrain almost 12 years ago
Along with being the greatest artist and writer in the business, Richard Thompson is also the best sound effects man.