Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 11, 2013
Bucky: See, Satchel, the thing about muppets is that they're sneaky. They attack when you least expect it. Satchel: Well, I always expect it now so how does that works? Bucky: Just remember this: muppets sense fear. Well, that and comedy, too, but that's irrelevant here. Do not show a muppet fear. Be strong. One day you'll be playing with your dinosaur and a muppet will come out of nowhere! You have to be ready to give it to him! Satchel: No! What would I play with, then? Bucky: Oh, you're doomed. Satchel: Well, you know what? I don't want to live in a world without toys.
mdcdjg2008 almost 12 years ago
I thought we got out of the Muppet storyline what happened with the rat?
WoodEye almost 12 years ago
Muppet rat?
mdcdjg2008 almost 12 years ago
Rizzo the rat? Hmmm could be interesting.
2252895 almost 12 years ago
I want the rats back!
mdcdjg2008 almost 12 years ago
No sarcastic tag along…was Charles Dickens companion in A Muppet’s Christmas Carol.
alviebird almost 12 years ago
I don’t carewhat they say,I won’t stayin a worldwithout….toys.
Empress of Evil almost 12 years ago
Okay, I’m starting to think Darby retired. Or there’s a fluke in the system… even the time it had this storyline last month was a rerun.
orinoco womble almost 12 years ago
“I don’t care what they say, I won’t play in a world without toys.” Satchel and Gordon.
Varnes almost 12 years ago
avtar123 almost 12 years ago
mahnster almost 12 years ago
It seemed to use to be one week was new arc, the next week a rerun, yet now seems like more rerun weeks per new weeks.
aedra6 almost 12 years ago
This is getting old…
Robert Allen almost 12 years ago
Even the Sunday strip was old. Come on Darby.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
it musta been a dream
malpot almost 12 years ago
Hey Satch. Muppets are just a new chew toy waiting to be broken in!
byamrcn almost 12 years ago
Neither do I, Satchel.
twinsoniclab almost 12 years ago
Oh, no, not muppets again. I thought we left that behind. What happened to the rats throwing things at Bucky?
ThomasPopeHousehold almost 12 years ago
I thought Satch was going to say “I don’t want to live in a world without dinosaurs.”
woneta almost 12 years ago
DON’T PANIC! Happy Birthday Douglas Adams
alviebird almost 12 years ago
I had not realized that “World Without Love” was written by Paul McCartney. And I’m a pretty big Beatles fan.
beaver48612 almost 12 years ago
Ugh, enough with the muppet already!
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 12 years ago
Avtar123 said, “Vacation?”
Josh: Yes, and so am I! See you again in a week! Goodbye!
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
without brains is okay though?
TEAMSATCHEL1 almost 12 years ago
Darby is playing with your minds!!!!!!!!
The Orange Mailman almost 12 years ago
Plot line confusion is not a good way to build a fan base. In fact it’s a good way to tear it down.