Dana Summers for March 07, 2013

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    ConserveGov  over 11 years ago

    He can now hangout with his Murder Buddy Fidel.

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    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    If you’re a Christian, then you cannot believe this cartoon. One thing Chavez disagreed with Castro about is belief in God. Chavez believed in God and that Jesus was his Lord and Savior.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    actually, this is a tragedy….Hugo Chavez had the same opportunity God gave every human on earth….the opportunity to accept the Bible’s recorded offer of salvation from the wages of personal sins….trusting God’s Word and putting Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ….and receiving eternal life and Heaven instead of where Chavez opened his eyes after leaving his dead body….soul/spirit in the fires of Hades.what a waste human arrogance makes of the masses of the children of Adam’s race. Broad is the way to perdition, narrow is the way to endless Life with God….and few there are of those humans that find and accept it. I want lots of company in Heaven, as does the Good Lord….not willing that any should perish…but giving us the free will to choose.

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    joe vignone  over 11 years ago

    W. Bush killed a heck of a lot more people then Chavez ever did.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    http://spectator.org/archives/2013/03/06/hugo-chavez-faithful-to-death….(to Socialism/Communism).-I’ve searched and cannot find any information that Chavez had any religious choice on record. -No true Bible-believing professing Christian could live as Chavez did or could make the alliances Chavez made…Castro and Ahmadinejad of Iran….-not only do those dictators hate the USA, they hate the Biblical churches in the world, who worship God’s Son, the Saviour who gave Himself to be the sacrifice for human sin, Jesus Christ. -Islam perverted the truth of who Jesus was and is…God the Son who died, was buried and who rose again and returned to His eternal home in Heaven and is soon Coming to earth and Israel again….to defeat the world’s armies attacking Israel, in the valley of Megiddo….Revelation named that battle Armageddon. Iran’s armies will be slaughtered by Jesus, along with all their allies. Until then, they lie and work evil continually, as did Chavez…in nationalizing and stealing private businesses and stealing billions of profits of the oil sales which comprise 95% of the nation’s income. Chavez himself skimmed $2 Billion and his Bolivarian Party people in his government skimmed $11 or more Billions….God doesn’t honor thieves and liars who never repent but instead are arrogant and boastful of their sins against their own citizens and their sins against God.

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    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    A tearful Hugo Chavez has prayed for God to spare his life as he attended a pre-Easter mass on returning from cancer treatment in Cuba, April, 2012.The Venezuelan president wept in a televised speech from the Catholic service in his home state of Barinas. His voice broke as he eulogized Jesus, the revolutionary fighter Che Guevara and the South American independence hero Simon Bolívar.“Give me your crown, Jesus. Give me your cross, your thorns so that I may bleed. But give me life, because I have more to do for this country and these people. Do not take me yet,” Chavez said, standing below an image of Jesus with the Crucifix.Chavez said he had held faith that his cancer would not return after his first two operations last year – which removed a baseball sized tumor from his pelvis – but it did.“Today I have more faith than yesterday,” he said. “Life has been a hurricane … but a couple of years ago my life began to become not my own any more. Who said the path of revolution would be easy?”(Agencies)

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    ColonelClaus  over 11 years ago

    Yea, Chavez prayed to God, so did Hitler…

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    http://pjmedia.com/blog/the-death-of-a-despot/?singlepage=true-today I found the above article dated 3/6/13; it has links to sources of info; IMO it explains the harm Chavez did to Venezuela and how his 14 year example changed the leaders of many other South American nations to reject Chavez’ MO and try to build better governments.-God’s written Word gives believers the authority to judge the FRUITS of the life record of self and others….Show me any “fruits” of Chavez that in the realm of rationality and sanity could suggest that Chavez was a Biblical Christian,DrCanuck….?!! I cannot find any evidence of Salvation’s “fruit” in Chavez’ 14 years of ruling as a Despot; the only possibility would be a deathbed conversion. And as my first post said, that would turn a personal tragedy into God’s Grace and Mercy, but it still leaves the unfortunate citizens of Venezuela with a “clone” Despot and further misgovernment!

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    fbear0143  over 11 years ago


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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    feverjr said…….(CNA url-article)-Thanks. I went to the url and printed the short article. If this is true, and Chavez repented and asked God for salvation by faith in the Biblical Jesus, then I accept it.But then the question is….which “Jesus” did Chavez believe in? There are many false “Christs” and trust in a Jesus not the same as the Judeo-Christian scriptures describe will not save any human. The “Jesus” taught in Chavez’ buddy’s Koran (Iranian president) is definitely the major False Christ being taught on earth today.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    @lonecat….my reply is “yes I know which one is the right one and I have tried many times in my posts to make that as clear as possible in an online opinion post….the right one is the Jesus of the Bible scriptures.”……That excludes the False ones who accept homosexuality as an approved way of living, that excludes the False Jesus in Islam’s teachings….the REAL Jesus agrees with every word in the 66 books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. He is God the Son and Creator of the Universe. He is the one and only Saviour of humans by forgiving all who pray for Him to credit His righteousness to our account and forgive all our sins, when we put all our faith and trust in Him as God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.One God in 3 persons, always in unity. Beyond human understanding, above all human power.

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    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    It is amazing how many cartoonists equate being anti-American to a sin worthy of eternal damnation.As for the Jesus Chavez believed in, it is a cross at his funereal, not a crescent.

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    BobC101468  over 11 years ago

    I have a lot more confidence in Chavez’s salvation that BW Bush’s. Chevez improved the lives of the poor – Bush killed 100,000 Iraqis

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