Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 18, 2013
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Hollywood Tales Tom Cruise in "3 Plot Devices" plus a Surprise Ending (DON'T LOOK!) Tom: I just want a quiet day...with NO PUBLICITY! DING DONG Norman: Hi, Tom! ! Tom: It's my identical cousin, NORMAN! Tom: Come in! Let me just take the spanakopita out of the oven... Norman: I'll help, Tom... BONK! Norman: Who am I? Who are you? Tom: Yikes! You've got AMNESIA! Tom: I'll get my first aid kit! Norman: What's first aid? Julia: There you are, Tom! Norman: Who are you? Julia: Your neighbor, Julia Roberts, silly! Listen, I told my father, Brian Dennehy, that we're MARRIED! Julia: And now he's coming to visit! Pretend you're my husband! Brian: So, you finally landed my little filly, eh, Tom? Norman: ? Julia: OH NO Paparazzi! FLASH NEXT DAY Tom: I wonder where Norman went yesterday. Tom: Oh well...I guess I'll read the paper. Oh NO! The Hollywood Times TOM CRUISE INVENTS COTTON GIN Will Transform the South Also: Likes Spinach Pie
tudza2 almost 12 years ago
Didn’t know you could make gin from cotton.
BillJ-MN almost 12 years ago
It’s as believable as him receiving bottles of milk from the milkman.
Rrhain almost 12 years ago
So the surprise twist is that Brian Dennehy is really Julia Roberts’ father? Won’t Walter Grady Roberts be surprised!