I'm on the 25 doughnut diet... Basically, you eat 25 doughnuts a day. Then after that, you can eat anything you want. There's some doughnut on your chin... Third one down...
Yeah, the Breakfast of Champions!! LOL
Sounds like the Twinkie diet.
Get the super extra large coffin ready.
The donut guy is Ed Asner
Day by Dave
Dave Whamond
April 10, 2015
May 31, 2017
psychlady almost 12 years ago
Yeah, the Breakfast of Champions!! LOL
VictoryRider almost 12 years ago
Sounds like the Twinkie diet.
http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.htmlpouncingtiger almost 12 years ago
Get the super extra large coffin ready.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 12 years ago
The donut guy is Ed Asner