7 year old candy??? Hope your family has a good health care plan…..
Anybody remember that short lived sitcom “Teen Angle”?.\\//_
ok, so if Brad was trick or treating in ’78, that makes his birth in around ’68…..which makes Brad 45 and Luann about 42
Maybe he inherited it from one of his parents’ Halloween stashes!
I think cartoon characters age at no more than a 1 to 20 year ratio
Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Greg Evans
May 24, 2016
knarfus over 11 years ago
7 year old candy??? Hope your family has a good health care plan…..
Dkram over 11 years ago
Anybody remember that short lived sitcom “Teen Angle”?.\\//_
Nighthawks Premium Member over 11 years ago
ok, so if Brad was trick or treating in ’78, that makes his birth in around ’68…..which makes Brad 45 and Luann about 42
dalbino83 over 11 years ago
Maybe he inherited it from one of his parents’ Halloween stashes!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 11 years ago
I think cartoon characters age at no more than a 1 to 20 year ratio