Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for May 14, 2013

  1. Hatcat
    wiselad  almost 12 years ago

    start shooting already

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    george  almost 12 years ago

    Le Renard is not the brightest bulb in the dumpster it seems, what with letting all his people cluster in one, easy-to-shoot clump like that.

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    profkatz  almost 12 years ago

    That ayatollah-clone LeRenard looks like an angry walrus in cel two. Meanwhile Major LeCler let’s all see how quickly that maxim-mac gun can make pork sausage meat of those a-rabs! :)> FireAtWillAGowa~!!

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    Polsixe  almost 12 years ago

    LeCler is really Le Vautour. Ok, time for Tarzan to put on his Mid East peace broker hat and settle these boys down.

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  5. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 12 years ago

    Less talk, more shooting. I see why you got captured in the first place.

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  6. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 12 years ago

    As I like to put it: “Great minds think alike… unfortunately, so do small minds!” ;)I think we-ums all fall in the latter category on this one. Some things are just too obvious. :))

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  7. Curly pres
    jmcx4  almost 12 years ago

    When you need to shoot, shoot! Don’t talk. Tuco

    note avatar.

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    Old Comic Strip Lover  almost 12 years ago

    They must have decided to do the “battle of the one liners” rather than do actual battle. Nobody gets hurt that way.

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  9. 09 28 2003 03 23 20pm 2
    quartermain  almost 12 years ago

    time to play the “Riff” song from Sigmund Romberg’s “The desert Song”.

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    profkatz  almost 12 years ago

    Hope it’s a fully loaded box tribemate Night-Gaunt49! :)> RatATatTatAGowa!!

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