On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for April 05, 2013

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    Kathy M T M Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I would go to the mall and let him golf alone. What fun is in watching golf?!

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  2. Caulfield
    The Legend of Brandon Sawyer  almost 12 years ago

    a supportive wife

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    starlilies  almost 12 years ago

    The first time my husband decided to try golf, we went to a place where he could practice his swing. Out of 20 attempts, he hit none. My dad and I laughed and laughed. It was also the last time he ever tried playing golf.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Good one Claire!

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  5. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  almost 12 years ago

    Made the mistake of taking FIVE kids with me, once. Second hole my ball hit a small bird. They both hit the ground at about 20 feet in front of us. The children ran over to the poor feathered birdie and said, “Dad, you killed it!”; just then it took off. Must have been more scared of being trampled than hit by a golf ball.

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